Friday, November 24, 2006

Birthday Presents

Though we were away for Sheneice's 2nd Birthday, there were still so many presents waiting for her.

There's a kitchen set and playdough to develop the domestic side of her while books and flashcards for her intellectual development. Daddy bought a piano to get her more musically inclined. Yes, we are the kiasu parents. Hahahaha... Thank you, everybody.

Back Home

I know Sheneice love to paint but I have never let her try painting this way...

She was so happy and got so excited about it. Yeah!!!! Alot more to come!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

4th day in Ipoh

Last day in Ipoh. Capturing all the memorable parts of the house while we were still there, we won't know when we will be back in Ipoh again.

Bye, Ipoh