Cousin Claire's Birthday
Today is Cousin Claire's 11th birthday. The birthday party was held in the function room of Small Gugu's condo.

While Cousin Claire was playing games with her friends, Daddy and Mummy brought Sheneice for a swim. Mummy did not join Sheneice in the pool as Mummy was busy taking photos, here are some of the photos taken at the pool.
She just love to swim

Playing with the water features

There's a playground right beside the pool, therefore...

This girl have no fear for the water at all. She was walking in the pool without Daddy holding her hands, my brave girl.

When she finally fell into the water, she just stood up, rub her nose and continued walking.

As the weather was very good, we spent a whole 1 hour playing. After the swim, Sheneice was so hungry that she managed to finish 1 whole thermal container of porridge plus 1 small bowl of fried rice.
On a separate note, we are going to Bangkok this Friday! Yeah!!!! Counting down...
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