Sheneice goes to School
As Sheneice is our only child, we feel that it would be a good for her to go to school to mingle around and learn to be sociable.
Her first day of school - 7th November 2006

Suddenly we feel that our baby is so grown up.
As Sheneice has never joined any classes before and this is the first time she attends a class, we decided to start her slow at 3 times a week for half a day. Daddy and I took leave for the 1st three days thinking that she might not be able to adapt to the new environment. But our baby fits into the class and the new environment so well that she did not even realise our non-existence when we sneaked away.

She was already doing "grocery shopping" with a Jie Jie shortly after we reached school
We made intermittent checks on her to see that she's ok, we were happy to see that she was enjoying herself so much.
2nd week of School
However, her enthusiasm to go to school was short-lived. She began to realised that we will be leaving her the moment she reached school. She had no problems in getting changed and going to school, it's the part when we leave where there will always be a struggle. It was not easy to see her crying so bitterly but we had to press on.

Sheneice looking smart in her uniform on her 2nd week of school
Starting December, she had gone on a 4 days a week basis. The school will be phasing out the flexi-care scheme starting January 2007, by then Sheneice will attends classes for half day on a daily basis.
So far, she is already in her 7th week of school. She no longer crys when we leave, I guess she had already understand the routine. But she will need to hang on to someone like a koala bear for comfort and security when we leave. To us, it's a big relief. At the very least, every morning would not be a struggle for Sheneice and us.
Sheniece really looks like a big girl when she's in her ubiform! I am sure she will enjoy the company of her teachers and friends. My friend's son - Brendon is also in the same school but he is 3 years old.
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