Friends of the Zoo
Sheneice is a animal lover and she will request that we bring her to the Zoo every now and then. When we went to the Zoo again in September (I know I took a little too long to blog), we signed up as members and are now "Friends of the Zoo".
A new added feature, the Rainforest

Taken with the very happy Daddy

Sheneice's never-changing flamingo pose

Just have to upload this one, so cute

This time round, we concentrated at the Children's Land. We played at the water area and after shower, we continued playing at the playground.
At the water area

At the playground

Sheneice made a new friend at the playground

This little girl is only a few days older than Sheneice and she was exploring the playground quite independantly. It dawned to us that it's also time for Sheneice to be more independant but I guessed being the Asian parents (or maybe just us lah), we still guided her along. The only time we let go is when she played the slide. (so much about independence, :D)
After that, we took the train in the Children's Land and alighted at the Children's Farm. Sheneice touched the horse for the 1st time but Mummy was too slow to capture it and she refused to touch it again.

Sheneice was showing signs of tiredness shortly after so we decided to go home for her to rest. But before we leave, we went to get some drinks in KFC. Took this when I was in the queue.
So cheeky... Should change my blogname to cheekysheneice

Since we're now "Friends of the Zoo", guess this will be our favourite haunt now.
Finally see your update after sooooo l..o.........n............g! "P
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