Sore Eye and Bad Skin
Sheneice is suffering from sore eyes, we brought her to the GP last Sunday and was given eye-drop to treat her eyes. According to the GP, there's an outbreak of sore eyes lately. He had seen a few sore eyes patients already. I just spoke to my sister yesterday, apparently my brother-in-law has also contracted sore eyes too.
We have also consulted the GP about the skin under Sheneice's eyes, that area has always been very sensitive since she was very young. Seen her pd a few times regarding her skin but was always given moisturisers which is of not much help. I've asked the GP for some cream to treat her skin. But Sheneice's skin has become too scaly already, it gives her the biting sensation whenever I apply. But she did not resist it the way she does for the eye-drop because it's cream form. Cream, to her is to make her more pretty because she sees me slapping moisturisers on my face everyday and I told her it will make Mummy more pretty. Hee Hee...
Back to her eye, I am having difficulties in applying the eye-drop. The GP told me I don't have to force open Sheneice's eye, just drop at the corner of her closed eyes. But Sheneice seems to know what is coming, she resisted me vigorously. Even when I tried to apply after she's asleep, she will still wipe it away with her hands. It's so worrying, in this way, her sore eyes will not be treated. I'm thinking of requesting for cream medication from the GP instead. It would be much easier to apply cream on her, I just have to tell her "See. Apply cream like Mummy, pretty?" She will immediately drop her defence.
Mmm... I shall visit the GP tonight.
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