Popiah party at 2nd Gugu's house
Last Sunday, we went to 2nd Gugu's house for Popiah party.
We're at 2nd Gugu's house.

There are alot of toys in 2nd Gugu's house.
Whether it's the kitchen set,

the trolley,

or counting the ladybird.

She had a wonderful time. Being a spoilsport, we interrupted her play and insisted that she take a photo with us :p

Not forgeting, the time spent with all the cousins.
Watching DVD together

However, this sight was short-lived.

Performing some stunts

Bullying Cousin Cleo, her forte

After Cousin Claire and Cousin Cleo left, Sheneice went to play with Tua Pey. Sheneice can easily fit into the basket, my goodness!

Suddenly Tua Pey said "Come, let's go and catch fish". There goes his hand in 2nd Gugu's pond and fished out a lobster. Amazing! The lobster is blue is colour...

Sheneice was so fascinated with the blue lobster.

Thereafter will be Home Sweet Home.
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